Phoenix Institute

Lexington, KY

Living Love

Phoenix Institute is one of Samuel’s Phoenix Communities

Equity Statement

The Board of Directors and Leadership of Phoenix Institute realize we have become a predominately white-bodied organization. As a group we have, for too long, let down our black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) friends by not taking a stand against the systemic racism found in our society.

With much loving help we have come to see that we have privilege, a platform, and, we believe, a spiritual obligation to be not just loving, good, and well-intentioned people, but people who know racism is neither loving nor Spirit-led, and that just seeing it in ourselves and our world isn’t enough— we need to be actively anti-racist.

To that end, our vision to become more inclusive and antiracist will, we hope, be mirrored in the space and programs we hold and create at Phoenix Institute. We sincerely appreciate your help as we strive to do better. We can be reached at

The Board of Directors and the Leadership of Phoenix Institute already have too many years spent in ignorance to the inequities prevalent in our white-based, patriarchal, western society, but we are consciously committed to working on learning and changing—a life-long process which we already recognize to be uncomfortable and sometimes messy--creating a Love-based space for all of our friends within the spiritual community that is Phoenix Institute.

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Coming Soon to Phoenix

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Oct 20, 2024

Join us as we celebrate Guardians who have passed over with our stories, memories, and gratitude

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Oct 27, 2024

Join us for an informal conversation that allows for a discussion of any question or topic of interest related to Samuel’s teachings

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Nov 03, 2024

Samuel’s free, first Sunday of the month Zoom meeting is where Samuel delivers his special teachings

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